
Circle of Magic

Sometimes, Coming TOgether in a circle can spark something unexpected.

Words and Artwork by Alanna Ford


In mid 2017, I started a group of D.C. lady creatives called Circle of Magic.

Then, incredible things started happening.

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I’m an artist. I make sculptures and paintings, and host art shows and dream.

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But in 2017, I was feeling blocked. I didn’t know what my medium was anymore or what my work was building toward.

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So, I invited some creative lady friends together to share about their work, their triumphs, their challenges.

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We sat in a circle. It turned out to be a powerful shape.

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The Romans used circles to build the Pantheon and the first aqueducts.

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The ancient British erected stone circles to mark the passage of time.

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Everyone from books clubs to Girl Scouts to recovering alcoholics sit in circles, all seeking growth and support.

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My friends and I were poets, singers, designers, and entrepreneurs. And creatively, we all were stuck.

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The first time we gathered, we opened up about our creative blocks and our recent brags. We made space to truly listen to each other.

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Over the next couple of months, Caroline wrote poetry for the first time in five years. Maya performed a set of original songs. I drew postcards and hid them in secret places around the city.

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But it all went much deeper than our creative breakthroughs.

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Our circle became a community, and we began to share our whole lives.

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We were there with Kate through a surprise pregnancy that ended in a miscarriage.

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We helped Lucy make time to go to yoga when her partner was diagnosed with cancer.

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There’s a magic that happens when we intentionally gather in a circle that’s completely different than when we’re alone.

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In the circle, we can be witnessed and supported. We can tap into a power beyond ourselves.

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Through some act of alchemy, weight becomes lighter when it’s shared.

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If that isn’t magic, I don’t know what is.


In the years that followed, Circle of Magic spread to more than a dozen cities around the world. Want a piece of the magic? Round up a few friends and form a circle of your own.



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